It was recently shown that 3dN = 1 supersymmetric Wess-Zumino models can be studied in the ϵ-expansion by analytically continuing the number of fermionic degrees of freedom to be half-integer. In this work we study the extension of this strategy to gauge theories. We consider U(1) gauge theories with Ng neutral Majorana fermions χa, Nf charge-1 bosons ϕi and Nf × Ng charge-1 Dirac fermions ψia in the d = 4 − 2ϵ expansion. Analytically continuing to Ng = 12 schematically matches the Lagrangian and matter content of 3dN = 1 SQED, and we check whether this match can be made rigorous. We compute anomalous dimensions of χa up to two loops and of meson operators up to one loop at the fixed points, and compare to expectations from SUSY. While we find obstructions to SUSY at small Nf, at large Nf the observables approach the expected values at a SUSY fixed point. This may allow for checks of 3dN = 1 IR dualities between gauge theories.
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