Results of bird survey, especially of waterfowl, made at Lakes Izu and Uchi in Miyagi Prefecture, N. Honshiu, during January to March, 1965 and November, 1965 to March, 1966, are described. 69 species of 25 families of birds have been recorded. These comprise 28 resident species, 36 winter visitants, 3 wanderers and 3 transients, and 38 species of these were shore birds and waterfowl. The most abundant was Anser albifrons which was counted up to 1, 500 individuals. Among others there were: Cygnus cygnus whose highest number was 460 on February, 1966; Cygnus columbianus recorded up to 109 but decreased to ca. 50 in early February, 1966; Anser fabalis with the usual number about 50; Mergus merganser which reached 200 on January 17, 1965 and Mergus albellus about 20. Rare species included: one Anser caerulescens observed during February 24 and March 17, 1965; one Anser erythropus observed on February 18, 1966; one Circus cyaneus seen on February 24, 1965 and March 22, 1965 and one Anser albifrons gambelli confirmed by photo on February 18, 1966. This last species has previously been only recorded in 1925 from Lake Tega, Chiba Prefecture, and recently observed at Fukuda-machi, Sendai by Mr. Sato (unpublished) in December, 1964. Haliaeetus albicilla was often observed. Wintering periods, local distribution and movements of main species of waterfowl on the two lakes are mentioned.
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