Visual excitation is initiated with the absorption of light by the membrane-bound visual pigment rhodopsin. The effect of light on rhodopsin is now quite generally believed to be a photoisomerization of the chromophore, retinaldehyde, from the 1 1-cis to the all-rransconliguration(Hubbard & Kropf, 1957; Wald, 1968). This is followed by changes in the shape of the protein, and these lead to conductance changes in the retinal photoreceptor cell membrane (Hagins, 1972). Such changes could result from a simple mechanism based on rhodopsin functioning as a light-activated ion-translocator. We have obtained evidence in favour of this proposal by incorporating rhodopsin into vesicular and planar bilayer membranes and demonstrating that light increases the membrane conductance in a pattern consistent with the formation of a transmembrane channel (Montal, 1975; M. Montal, A. Darszon & H. W. Trissl, unpublished work). The rhodopsin/lipid vesicles were formed and loaded with radioactive markers by sonication. Exposure of the vesicles to light increased the permeability to Na+, Cs+, Caz+, glycerol and glucose, but not to C1- and sucrose. These results indicate that light induces the formation of a cation-selective wide permeability pathway with an apparent cut-off diameter of about 0.8-1 .Onm (8-lo&. Planar bilayers containing rhodopsin were formed by apposing two rhodopsin-lipid monolayers. Such monolayers are formed from an ether-soluble complex of rhodopsin and lipid (a proteolipid) that exhibits in the organic phase spectral characteristics similar to those of native rhodopsin in retinal rod discs. Exposure of the bilayer to light increased the membrane conductance. A distinct latency period between illumination and onset of conductance changes is characteristic: it is shorter the higher the rhodopsin content in the proteolipid extract and can vary from 1 s up to several hundred seconds. At high resolution the conductance of the rhodopsin membranes can be seen to fluctuate in discrete steps. Three main transition amplitudes are well identified, corresponding to conductances of 2 x and 6.1 xlO-'OR-' in symmetric media containing either 0.2~-NaCl or O.~M-KCI. By contrast, a conductance transition of 8 x 10-10i2-1 is most frequent in symmetric 0.2~-CaCl, solutions. Illumination does not change the fluctuation pattern, it merely increases the number of conductance events. The conductance transitions are ohmic; by contrast, the macroscopic membrane conductance is not ohmic but voltage-dependent: at voltages greater than 25mV the initially high conductance relaxes to lower steady-state values. The conductance events are reminiscence of those induced in lipid bilayers by molecules presently thought to act by forming transmembrane channels (Hladky et al., 1974). Further, concentrationpotential measurements indicate that the bilayer conductance is cation-selective. The results obtained with vesicles and planar bilayers are in remarkable agreement and establish that the effect of rhodopsin bleaching in bilayer membranes is to induce the formation of a transmembrane channel of about 0.8-1.0nm diameter. Since the light-induced permeability response can be elicited at 3C, metarhodopsin I1 may be the first conducting form of rhodopsin. Although the data are not sufficient to enable us to propose a specific molecular picture, three models have been considered, namely a unimolecular channel, a channel made of a fixed aggregate (e.g. a tetramer) or an association-dissociation equilibrium process. On the basis of these findings a model of vertebrate visual phototransduction that considers CaZ+ as the transmitter (Hagins, 1972) can be proposed, as follows. In the dark, the channel is closed and the Caz+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase would pump Ca2+ into the discs; on bleaching, the channel would form and allow Caz+ to diffuse down its concentration gradient. The efflux of CaZ+ would change the disc membrane 4 x
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