Japan’s modernization, which began with the Meiji Restoration in 1868, was modelled on the Western powers, and its modernization was virtually synonymous with Westernization. However, the situation was slightly different in the case of education. The education measures of the Meiji government were not fixed, and while it aimed for Westernization with respect to the education system, it vacillated between centralized standardization and laissez-faire principles. With regard to the content of education, too, it did not necessarily completely adhere to the modern education of the West, which was founded on individualism and a pragmatic view of education and scholarship, and it attempted to continue with the cultural and educational traditions of the Edo period. Within these traditions, Chinese learning was of great importance and occupied an important position, and private academies of Chinese learning held a leading position in education and society, alongside government schools. But even though private academies of Chinese learning enjoyed a golden age from the Bakumatsu period to immediately after the Meiji Restoration, they were buffeted by the education measures of the Meiji government and were unable to find a place for themselves within modern education. One of the few academies of Chinese learning that managed to survive in these circumstances was the Hakuen Academy (Hakuen Shoin 泊園書院). Why did it survive? In this paper I examine this question by analyzing the academic trends of the Hakuen Academy while also taking into account the context of education in modern Japan, which underwent repeated changes.
 1868年の明治維新に始まる日本の近代化は, 欧米列强を模範とし, 近代化は 欧米化もしくは西洋化とほぼ同義であったが, 敎育においては, 些か事情は異 なる. 明治政府の敎育施策は一定せず, 制度の面では欧米化を指向しながらも, 中央集權的画一化と自由放任主義の間で揺れ動き, 内容の面でも個人主義, 実 学主義の敎育観, 学問観に立脚した欧米の近代敎育を必ずしも全面的には追従 せず, 江戸時代の文化と敎育の伝統をも継承しようとした. その伝統において 漢学は大きな比重と重要な地位を占め, 漢学塾は官立学校と並んで敎育と社会 の主導的立場にあった. だが, 漢学塾は幕末から維新直後に最盛期を迎えなが らも, 明治政府の敎育施策に翻弄され, 近代敎育の中に自らの地位を見出せな いでいた. その中にあって, 存続した数少ない漢学塾の一つが泊園書院である. 泊園書院はなぜ生き延びたのか. 変遷を繰り返した近代日本の敎育の文脈を踏 まえながら, その学術傾向を分析することを通じて, この問題を考究する.
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