BACKGROUND: Acute pancreatitis is a potentially life-threatening disease, which is based on a severe inflammatory process and enzymatic autolysis of the pancreas. Currently, there is no effective medical treatment for acute pancreatitis. Its therapy is based on early infusion, adequate anesthesia, enteral nutrition, antibiotic therapy for infected pancreatic necrosis, and sanitizing procedures for the development of purulent and septic complications. In the last decade, experimental, and clinical studies have proven the powerful anti-inflammatory effect of the inhalation anesthetic sevoflurane. Sevoflurane reduces inflammation, both by blocking the nuclear factor kappa-bi and reducing the release of reactive oxygen species and pro-inflammatory cytokines.
 CLINICAL CASES DESCRIPTION: We used inhaled sevoflurane in three patients with acute pancreatitis. For one inhalation, 5 mL of sevoflurane was used and poured into a 200-mL container. The duration of one inhalation was approximately 40 min, during which time the anesthetic had completely evaporated. The maximum concentration of sevoflurane in exhaled air reached 0.40.5%, which did not cause the patient to fall asleep. Inhalations were performed three times a day for 2 days. In all patients, the pain syndrome decreased by three times according to the visual analog scale on day 1. The level of amylase on day 2 decreased by 2.5 times. The leukocyte count decreased by 20%. On day 2, all patients developed intestinal motility, and the patients were transferred from the anesthesiology-reanimation department to the surgical department. All the patients recovered.
 CONCLUSION: The inhalation of sevoflurane alleviated the pain syndrome, reduced amylase levels, and improved intestinal motility in acute pancreatitis.
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