2-layer aluminum/polyurethane (Al/PU) laminated sheets were prepared by a new adhesion method, a double-step treatment consisting of: (1) applying low dose 50:43MGy homogeneous low energy electron beam irradiation (HLEBI) to the 2-layer assembly where the HLEBI penetrates through the Al and PU layers, respectively, prior to: (2) hot-press under 5MPa and 403K. Although the adhesion of the Al/PU sheets cannot be observed without the new double-step treatment, bonding forces were created as evidenced by the mean adhesive forces of peeling resistance (Fp). Based on the 3-parameter Weibull equation, the lowest Fp value at peeling probability (Pp) of zero (Fs) could be estimated. An increasing trend in Fs occurs by the double-step treatment applying HLEBI up to 0.22MGy reaching a maximum at 34.0Nm11, improving the safety level without radiation damage. When HLEBI cuts the chemical bonds and generates dangling bonds with nonbonding electrons in Al and PU, the created adhesion between the laminated sheets can be explained. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.MAW201314]
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