It is shown that α-regular McShane and strong Perron integrals considered in [1] are equivalent to the usual McShane integral. This note is related to the recent paper [1], where several Perron and McShane-type integrals in R are introduced and compared. We show here that all those integrals are in fact equivalent to the usual McShane integral. We borrow all the notation and terminology from [1]. The n-dimensional interval I = [a1, b1]× · · · × [an, bn] is said to be α-regular, α ∈ (0, 1), if r(I) = mini(bi − ai) maxi(bi − ai) > α. Let I0 be a fixed interval in R and I the family of all subintervals of I0. With F we denote the free full interval basis F = {(I, x) : I ∈ I, x ∈ I0}. For a given function δ : I0 → (0,∞), called a gauge, and a given α ∈ (0, 1) we define Fδ = { (I, x) ∈ F : I ⊂ U(x, δ(x))}, Fα δ = { (I, x) ∈ F : r(I) > α, I ⊂ U(x, δ(x))}. A finite subset P of Fδ (of Fα δ ) is called an Fδ-division (an Fα δ -division respectively) if for distinct pairs (I1, x1) and (I2, x2) in P, the intervals I1 and I2 are nonoverlapping. If, moreover, ⋃ (I,x)∈P I = I0, then P is called respectively an Fδ-partition and an Fα δ -partition of I0. We recall the definition of the McShane integral. Definition 1. A point function f on I0 is McShane integrable (M-integrable, in brief), with the integral A, if for each 2 > 0 there exists a gauge δ such that ∣∣ ∑ (I,x)∈π f(x)|I| −A ∣∣ < 2 for every Fδ-partition π of I0. Received December 19, 2005. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 26A39.