As of today paranasal sinuses endoscopic surgery is the method of choice in case of chronic sinusitis conservative treatment inefficacy. In a number of cases the underlying cause of sinusitis is a foreign object, which is difficult to remove through the enlarged natural junction of maxillary sinus cavity. We suggest infraturbinal access for removal of foreign objects located in alveolar socket area. The access comprises application of temporary anastomosis with the maxillary sinus in the inferior nasal meatus after preliminary separation of mucoperiosteal flap. Application of such flap allows making a bone hole large enough without the risk of generation of permanent anastomosis between the maxillary sinus cavity and the inferior nasal meatus. The article provides a detailed description of the method. We have operated on 36 patients using this method. In postoperative period the patients did not have any complaints of discomfort in cheek, gums or teeth area. No cases of intraoperative damage of nasolacrimal duct and no postoperative epiphora have been observed. In all the cases the bone defect was covered with mucoperiosteal flap. Postoperation follow up varies from 1 to 38 months. Infraturbinal approach is the optimal technique in cases when pathological process is located close to the floor of maxillary sinus.
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