The motivation to engage students has been a challenge in teaching and learning statistics. This study investigates the effectiveness of online peer learning in enhancing students’ academic achievement and promoting their motivation. The researcher employed a quasi-nonequivalent (pre- and posttest) control group design to investigate the effectiveness of online peer learning. The participants in this study involved a total of 193 students taking Statistics as a core subject in the matriculation program of a private higher learning institution. The data were obtained from pre- and posttest results and a structured questionnaire. Results of t-tests indicated that the experimental group reported a significant difference in motivation and that this subsequently contributed to a significant difference in academic achievement. This study explicates the success of online peer learning in enhancing students’ academic achievement and facilitating their motivation. These findings may be useful in supporting the idea that online peer learning does facilitate statistics learning among matriculation students. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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