Given a rational homology classh in a two dimensional torusT2, we show that the set of Riemannian metrics inT2 with no geodesic foliations having rotation numberh isCk dense for everyk ∈ N. We also show that, generically in theC2 topology, there are no geodesic foliations with rational rotation number. We apply these results and Mather's theory to show the following: let (M, g) be a compact, differentiable Riemannian manifold with nonpositive curvature, if (M, g) satisfies the shadowing property, then (M, g) has no flat, totally geodesic, immersed tori. In particular,M has rank one and the Pesin set of the geodesic flow has positive Lebesgue measure. Moreover, if (M, g) is analytic, the universal covering ofM is a Gromov hyperbolic space.
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