Recent studies report varying levels of ethanol consumption by rodents maintained on different commercially available laboratory diets. As varied ethanol consumption by dams may impact offspring outcome measures in prenatal ethanol exposure paradigms, we compared ethanol consumption by rats maintained on the Envigo 2920 diet, used in our vivarium, with an isocalorically equivalent PicoLab 5L0D diet used in some alcohol consumption studies. Compared to 5L0D diet, female rats maintained on 2920 diet consumed 14% less ethanol during daily 4-h drinking sessions prior to pregnancy and 28% less ethanol during gestation. Rat dams consuming 5L0D diet gained significantly less weight during pregnancy. However, their pup birth weights were significantly higher. A subsequent study revealed that hourly ethanol consumption was not different between diets during the first 2h, but was significantly lower on 2920 diet at the end of the third and fourth hours. The mean serum ethanol concentration in 5L0D dams after the first 2h of drinking was 46mg/dL compared to 25mg/dL in 2920dams. Further, ethanol consumption at the 2-h blood sampling time point was more variable in 2920dams compared to 5L0D dams. An invitro analysis mixing each powdered diet with 5% ethanol in acidified saline revealed that a 2920 diet suspension adsorbed more aqueous medium than the 5L0D diet suspension. The total ethanol remaining in aqueous supernatant of 5L0D mixtures was nearly twice the amount of ethanol in supernatants of the 2920 mixtures. These results suggest that the 2920 diet expands to a greater extent in aqueous medium than the 5L0D diet. We speculate that increasing adsorption of water and ethanol by the 2920 diet may reduce or delay the amount of ethanol absorbed and may decrease serum ethanol concentration to a greater extent than would be predicted from the amount of ethanol consumed.
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