MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are an internet-based online education model that provides teaching resources and services to global users via web platforms. The development of MOOCs can be traced back to 2002, with significant acceleration in recent years. In education, MOOCs have been widely applied, such as in flipped classrooms and teacher training. They offer high flexibility and rich learning resources, significantly improving students' learning efficiency and reducing learning costs. However, MOOCs also face challenges, such as uneven teaching quality, lack of learner self-discipline, and insufficient humanistic care. For the sustainable development of MOOCs, there is a need to strengthen teacher training, improve teaching quality, enhance teaching evaluation and feedback, and perfect online education regulation. With the rapid development of information technology and the internet, MOOC education has become a prominent educational model. This paper aims to discuss the application of MOOCs in education in the new era, analyze the existing problems, and propose effective improvement measures to more effectively promote the development of MOOC education.
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