The detrimental effects of pilot contamination attacks by active eavesdroppers are investigated for multi-cell multi-user massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay networks. To this end, secure transmission strategies are designed for both users-to-relay and relay-to-destination channels in the presence of active pilot attacks with imperfect legitimate user channel state information (CSI) and with no eavesdropper CSI knowledge at the relay. The excess degrees-of-freedom offered by the massive MIMO relay are exploited to mitigate detrimental effects of cooperative jamming (CJ) signals and to generate artificial noise (AN) during the first and second time-slots, respectively. Thereby, the achievable secrecy rate lower bounds for active attacks are derived in the finite/infinite relay antenna regimes. The secrecy rates for passive eavesdropping are deduced and compared to that of active attacks. A joint optimal power allocation scheme for the pilot, payload data, and AN and CJ signals is formulated and solved by using geometric programming techniques. Rigorous numerical and simulation results are provided to obtain valuable insights, which are useful in designing secure physical layer transmission strategies for multi-cell multi-user massive MIMO relay networks.
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