A generic performance analysis framework is developed for multicell amplify-and-forward (AF) multiway massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay networks. The detrimental effects of imperfect channel state information (CSI), including channel estimation errors and outdated/delayed CSI for multicell massive MIMO AF multiway relay networks, are investigated. Thereby, for the first time in the open literature in the context of massive MIMO relay networks, the cumulative detrimental effects of pilot contamination and channel aging caused by the reuse of nonorthogonal pilot sequences and relative movements of user nodes, respectively, are quantified. The asymptotic signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio and the achievable spectral efficiency expressions corresponding to three transmit power scaling laws at the user nodes and relay are derived whenever the number of antennas at the relay is substantially higher than the number of user nodes. The asymptotic performance analysis is generic in the sense that the individual effects of the practical transmission impairments, such as cochannel interference, pilot contamination, and channel aging, can be decomposed. The average symbol error rate (SER) and asymptotic SER are derived in closed form. The optimal pilot sequence length, which maximizes the achievable spectral efficiency, is derived in closed form. Our asymptotic analysis for the perfect CSI case reveals that the detrimental effects of cochannel interference can be asymptotically mitigated. Nevertheless, the performance degradation caused due to the cumulative effects of pilot contamination and channel aging cannot be mitigated, even in the limit of infinitely many relay antennas.
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