This study provides an interpretation of isopycnal eddy transport for mass and passive tracers in double-gyre eddy-resolving oceanic circulation. This paper focuses on a transport/diffusion tensor representation of the eddy tracer flux, and a companion paper will focus on advective eddy-induced tracer and mass transports. We use a spatial filter to separate the large and small scales, which leads to results distinct from those obtained via a temporal Reynolds eddy decomposition. To work towards a parameterisation, we relate the eddy tracer flux to the large-scale tracer gradient via the transport tensor K. The symmetric part of K is the diffusion tensor, S, which parameterises diffusive fluxes and whose mixing properties are determined by the signs of its eigenvalues. The eigenvalues of S are robustly of opposite sign (polar) and thus quantify filamentation of the tracer via both up- and down-gradient fluxes. Given the prevalence of polar eigenvalues – which are also obtained for Reynolds eddy fluxes – representing their associated effects should be a target of future eddy tracer transport closures. Given the inherent inhomogeneity and anisotropy of the eddy-induced transport, we argue that a full transport tensor is better suited to this task than scalar coefficients or diagonal tensors. The diffusion axis, which represents the direction of preferential mixing, tends to align with the large-scale velocity vector and contours of large-scale relative vorticity and layer thickness. Strong shears can inhibit this alignment. We show that the large-scale velocity gradient matrix may be suitable for parameterising the transport tensor, in particular at depth. Furthermore, since entries of K and S exhibit probabilistic distributions when conditioned on certain large-scale flow features, we suggest that a stochastic closure for the eddy transport would be most suitable.
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