Tidal wetlands are a significant source of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to coastal ecosystems, which impacts nutrient cycling, light exposure, carbon dynamics, phytoplankton activity, microbial growth, and ecosystem productivity. There is a wide variety of research on the properties and sources of DOM; however, little is known about the characteristics and degradation of DOM specifically sourced from tidal wetland plants. By conducting microbial and combined UV exposure and microbial incubation experiments of leachates from fresh and senescent plants in Chesapeake Bay wetlands, it was demonstrated that senescent material leached more dissolved organic carbon (DOC) than fresh material (77.9 ± 54.3 vs 21.6 ± 11.8 mg DOC L−1, respectively). Degradation followed an exponential decay pattern, and the senescent material averaged 50.5 ± 9.45% biodegradable DOC (%BDOC), or the loss of DOC due to microbial degradation. In comparison, the fresh material averaged a greater %BDOC (72.6 ± 19.2%). Percent remaining of absorbance (83.3 ± 26.7% for fresh, 90.1 ± 10.8% for senescent) was greater than percent remaining DOC, indicating that colored DOM is less bioavailable than non-colored material. Concentrations of DOC leached, %BDOC, and SUVA280 varied between species, indicating that the species composition of the marsh likely impacts the quantity and quality of exported DOC. Comparing the UV + microbial to the microbial only incubations did not reveal any clear effects on %BDOC but UV exposure enhanced loss of absorbance during subsequent dark incubation. These results demonstrate the impacts of senescence on the quality and concentration of DOM leached from tidal wetland plants, and that microbes combined with UV impact the degradation of this DOM differently from microbes alone.