Reputation marketing is a new direction of marketing activities of modern organizations. The purpose of its implementation in organizations is to create mutually beneficial relationships with consumers, systematically study customers, collect their feedback on the company’s products and form an appropriate reaction. The heads of modern companies are beginning to pay more and more attention to the reputation of the company, on the one hand, in order to strengthen competitive advantages, on the other hand, in order to protect business in the context of expanding the use of various Internet marketing tools. Marketing activities are associated with constant challenges from environmental factors, which leads to the need to find new ways and means of finding competitive advantages. In this regard, reputation marketing is designed to minimize the risks associated with the loss of consumer confidence in the company and its products. Effective reputation marketing management can strengthen a company’s position. The scientific works available to the authors in the field of reputation marketing show that they are largely not systematized and explore the formation of a company’s reputation based on the introduction of a specific digital marketing tool. In the framework of this work, it is proposed to consider reputation marketing from the point of view of a strategic approach that serves as the basis for the formation of a company’s competitive advantage and ensures the establishment of long-term relationships with consumers. The purpose of the research is to develop a mechanism for the effective implementation of reputation marketing in the activities of modern companies in the direction of establishing long-term relationships with consumers. The paper summarizes the scientific literature on the formation of reputation marketing in companies, substantiates the areas of application of reputation marketing. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of a sequence of actions for the introduction of reputation marketing into the activities of organizations based on a strategic approach. The practical significance is reflected in the development of a reputation marketing management model in the organization.
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