This paper examines the impact and effectiveness of educational Universally Designed (UD) Augmented Reality (AR) applications compared to traditional paper-based counterparts. The study evaluates accessibility, usability, user experience, and short-term learning outcomes in marine biology, human anatomy, and cultural history. Thirty-six participants with diverse skills and abilities, including visual impairments and dyslexia, participated in two experiments. The findings reveal that UD-designed AR applications significantly improve accessibility and usability for users with special needs and enhance learning performance for sighted users, particularly in spatial tasks. Users with dyslexia demonstrated effective information recall, while blind users could interact with and learn from the AR content without needing third-party assistive technologies, which is not possible with paper-based solutions. This study underscores the importance of incorporating UD principles in AR development to enhance accessibility and usability, ensuring that immersive technologies facilitate digital inclusion.
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