Nuclear data such as fission cross-sections and yields of fission products in neutronand gammainduced fission of pre-actinides and actinides are important for the Accelerator-Driven Subcritical systems (ADSs). Particularly yields of fission products in high energy neutronand gamma-induced fission of long lived minor actinides (Np, Pu, Am and Cm) and pre-actinides (e.g., Pb and Bi) are needed for decay heat calculation. This is because in ADSs high energy (GeV) proton beam from accelerator are bombarded on Pb and Bi to produce high energy neutron by spallation process, which can incinerate minor actinides and transmute long-lived fission products to solve the problem of radioactive hazard. In this process high energy γ-ray also produce, which can cause reaction and fission of the spallation source and minor actinides. We present the yields of fission products from the bremsstrahlung induced fission of Bi and Pb by using 50, 60, 70 MeV and 2.5 GeV electron beam of the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Korea. The yields of fission products obtained in the 8 – 10 MeV bremsstrahlung induced fission of Th, U and Pu using Microtron at Mangalore University and electron LINAC at EBC centre, Kharghar, New-Mumbai, India are also discussed.
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