Following the economic reforms started in 1978, now market economy becomeprevalent in China in 1992. Enterprise managers obtained much more power thanthey had had previously. This paper presents the results of investigating the topmanagers' leadership types, based on eighteen different sized enterprises inZhejiang Province, China. The results suggest that in cognition of the topmanagers' leadership types, there are significant differences among the topmanagers themselves, the middle managers, and technicians in Chineseenterprises. The cognitive patterns indicate that the top managers like torecognize their own leadership types as more decentralized than they are, whilethe middle managers like their top managers to demonstrate the moredecentralized type, and the technicians prefer them to act in a manner betweenthe centralized type and decentralized type. It is clear that the leadership climateis not very favorable to top managers in Chinese enterprises who must face theconflicts between their own expectations of their leadership roles, and the expectations of their subordinate managers and technicians.
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