A two-dimensional steady-state thermal-hydraulic analyses of the exposed core with varying levels of exposure is carried out for heat transfer assessment. Low-frequency postulated severe accident without mitigating actions leads to exposure of fuel channels in Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). Such exposure of fuel channels leads to their heat-up which is governed by interdependent heat transfer mechanisms such as radiation, convection and conduction heat transfer. In order to understand such a complex behaviour as well as to plan the severe accident management guidelines, numerical analyses of the exposed core are required. In this paper, one-of-a-kind thermal-hydraulic analyses of the exposed reactor-scale core geometry are presented for row-wise exposures of fuel channels. These numerical analyses are terminated at the onset of fuel channel disassembly i.e., loss of geometrical intactness of the exposed core. The interesting interdependency of convection and radiation heat transfer on fuel channel heat-up is brought out in this study. The dominance of convection heat transfer is observed for initial exposures of the fuel channels. However, for the advanced stages of fuel channel exposures, the heat transfer is observed to be dominated by radiation heat transfer. Intriguingly, it is observed that the convective cooling of exposed fuel channels by steam flow is counter-acted by exothermic heat generation arising from Zircaloy and steam interaction. Moreover, it is interesting to note that the disassembly of fuel channels is restricted to central regions of the exposed core.
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