Mammary cancer is one of the most common neoplasms of dogs, primarily bitches. While studies have been carried out identifying differing risk of mammary neoplasia in different dog breeds, few studies have reported associations between dog breeds and clinical features such as number of neoplastic lesions found in an individual case or the likelihood of lesions being benign or malignant. Such epidemiological studies are essential as a foundation for exploring potential genetic drivers of mammary tumour behaviour. Here, we have examined associations between breed, age and neuter status and the odds of a diagnosis of a mammary epithelial-origin neoplastic lesion (as opposed to any other histopathological diagnosis from a biopsied lesion) as well as the odds of a bitch presenting with either a single mammary lesion or multiple lesions, and the odds that those lesions are benign or malignant. The study population consisted of 129,258 samples from bitches, including 13,401 mammary epithelial neoplasms, submitted for histological assessment to a single histopathology laboratory between 2008 and 2021.In multivariable analysis, breed, age and neuter status were all significantly associated with the odds of a diagnosis of a mammary epithelial-origin neoplastic lesion. Smaller breeds were more likely to receive such a diagnosis. In cases diagnosed with a mammary epithelial neoplasm, these three factors were also significantly associated with the odds of diagnosis with a malignant lesion and of diagnosis with multiple lesions. Notably, while neutered animals were less likely to have a mammary epithelial neoplasm diagnosed, and were less likely to have multiple neoplasms, they were more likely to have malignant disease. Exploration of the patterns of risk of developing malignant disease, or multiple lesions, across individual breeds showed no breed with increased odds of both outcomes. Breeds with altered odds compared to the Crossbreed baseline were either at increased risk of malignant disease and decreased risk of multiple lesions, or vice versa, or they were at significantly altered odds of one outcome with no change in the other outcome. Our analysis supports the hypothesis that age, neuter status and intrinsic biological and genetic factors all combine to influence the biological heterogeneity of canine mammary neoplasia.
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