Machine learning (ML) is being used to improve intrusion detection mechanisms and identification in cyber security. Network data volume scaling (with the help of Machine learning) — Automated analysis and pattern recognition for large amounts of network-data, thereby detection of anomalies / potentially malicious activities that escape current rule-based techniques. By training ML models on historical data, these models can learn benign network behavior as well the anomalies in them that may result from malicious activities. The purpose of this essay/report is to begin taking a look under the hood at how ML can be used for security threat detection and analysis in-networking on an ongoing basis. This paper covers the automation of ML algorithms to enhance network security. Given the current state of electronic threats and their evolution, traditional security methods are typically insufficient. ML can analyze large volumes of data, learn patterns from it and this makes it suitable to complement network defense mechanisms. It then discusses different ML applications in network cybersecurity: intrusion detection, anomaly detection, spam and malware analysis; which the paper characterizes. It analyzes the potential, benefits and constrains of major ML methods in network security like supervised learning; unsupervised learning and reinforcement-learning. Finally, this paper represents recent progress in the use and impact of ML techniques along with case studies.The paper discusses the existing difficulties in the field such as the necessity for datasets and the vulnerability of machine learning models to adversarial attacks.T he paper also highlights avenues for exploration by focusing on developing scalable security solutions based on machine learning that are resilient and flexible.The goal of this examination is to offer both researchers and industry professionals valuable perspectives into the opportunities and obstacles linked to utilizing machine learning, in the domain of network security. ML methods have potential to improve network security by addressing the challenges posed by the increasing cyber threats that traditional security measures struggle to combat effectively over time. One key strength of ML lies in its capacity to analyze datasets and identify intricate patterns efficiently. The research paper delves into applications of ML in enhancing network security. The list covers security tools like Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) examining malware and phishing attempts as well as anomalies in network activity and user behavior analysis (UEBA). The study explores both supervised and unsupervised learning methods. How they are used for quick threat detection and response in real time scenarios.You will find case studies and recent developments that showcase the implementation and effectiveness of these strategies.In addition the article delves into the obstacles linked to using machine learning techniques in network security including the necessity, for datasets, The paper's goal is to give an enlightening summary to scholars and practitioners about how machine learning can be applied to network security in order to provide solutions that are robust, adaptive, and scalable. To this end, it touches on several relevant aspects. One is the threat posed by adversarial attacks on the sorts of models that are likely to be used in this context. Another is the imperative, deriving from both adversarial threat and model drift, that models needed in this context be available in a form usable for continuous update. Keywords: Network Security, machine learning (ML), Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), entity behavior analytics (UEBA).