<p class="Default">To test high density banana/rubber intercropping systems under more extensive management conditions, on-farm studies were undertaken in the two major agro-climatic zones of Sri Lanka where rubber is grown; the wet and intermediate zones. Two high density banana planting systems comprising two (RBB) and three (RBBB) rows of banana planted between the rows of rubber, were tested against the recommended intercrop planting system of one row of banana to one row of rubber (RB). In addition, two fertiliser regimes for banana were used in which fertiliser was either (i) added at the recommended rate (urea 2: super phosphate 1: muriate of potash 3; 450 g per plant at 4 month intervals) or (ii) no fertiliser was added. Depending on the quality of field management (level of weeding, damage by animals, personal interest and record maintenance) by farmers, well and poorly managed sites were identified. <p class="Default"> Irrespective of climatic conditions, crop performance showed that intercropping had no detrimental effect on growth of either crop, even in the RBBB system. Instead, growth of rubber in all intercrops was superior to that of the sole crop (R). Application of fertiliser to the banana crop in the intercrops significantly improved the growth of banana but had no significant effect on rubber growth. There was no evidence of any nutrient deficiencies in banana, as measured by foliar nutrient concentration, in treatments where no fertiliser was added to banana in the intercrop indicating that banana is suitable crop for intercropping under low input conditions typical of that found on smallholdings.
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