Folds belonging to this system are younger than the thrusting episodes that affected the Açungui Group, as indicated by the fact that they are outlined by S, foliation (which, in turn, is paralell to S,), as well as by the thrust faults, both strutures develloped through the first deformative event. The folds show different styles, including some with conical geometry. Axial plane foliation is a noticeable develloped feature but it is not penetrative all over the area; fold axis have a remarkable NE-S W direction and the axial planes are generally subvertical. These features are easily recognized in S, pole stereograms because they draw partial or full guirlands. Major folds were mapped and discussed in more detail. It is postulated here that this fold system could be an answer to second order compressive stress, oriented from NW to SE, associated to clockwise displacement along the main strike-slip faults in this area, with exception of the Setuva Antiform which cautiousness may be associated to a anti-clockwise (left-lateral) reactivation of the Lancinha strike-slip fault
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