It is noted that the main value of any enterprise is usually considered to be its employees, and the enterprise itself is viewed not as a mechanism for making a profit, but as a way of organizing people and their potential. New requirements for the training and retraining of management personnel are identified. HRmanagement as a science that focuses on human resources, their formation and development in accordance with the strategic goal of the enterprise is revealed. The choice of sources of formation of the personnel reserve is allocated. It is noted that an employer at any enterprise, when forming a personnel reserve, needs to make a choice and prioritize among the sources of formation. It is substantiated that when forming a personnel reserve, the choice is always made in favor of hiring new employees. It is noted that the purpose of the declared activity is aimed at improving the economic result of the organization (even if indirectly) and at avoiding mistakes when working with the reserve. The theoretical approaches to the content and mechanism of formation of the personnel reserve are investigated. The sources of formation of the personnel reserve, advantages and disadvantages of the internal personnel reserve are analyzed. It is established that the potential reserve is formed by managers, specialists, and workers who meet the basic requirements in terms of education, specialty, and height. It is determined that the talent pool is closely related to increasing the motivation of employees who are aware of the seriousness of the prospects for professional and career growth at the enterprise. Attention is focused on the criteria for forming an internal reserve and assessing the effectiveness of work with the personnel reserve. The article highlights the work with the talent pool on the example of private joint-stock company “Ukrainsky Grafit”, where the main regulatory document governing the mechanism of formation is the Regulations on work with personnel reserve. It is emphasized that the task of the Regulations of private joint-stock company “Ukrainsky Grafit” is to establish uniform organizational principles in working with the reserve and to create a system for training the reserve of management personnel at the enterprise. The main information sources of private joint-stock company “Ukrainsky Grafit” regarding the consideration of candidates for the personnel reserve are disclosed. It is determined that in the event of vacancies at the enterprise, the internal personnel reserve is considered first to fill the vacancy.
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