It is noted that non-contractual obligations belong to the sphere of regulation of national and international law. It is emphasized that most of the norms of civil legislation in European countries are devoted to the grounds and conditions for the emergence of binding legal relations. Noncontractual obligations are described as a group of legal obligations. The authors observe that, despite the diversity, non-contractual obligations are not sufficiently regulated at the international level and little researched in the scientific community. The goal of the scientific research is relevant, which consists in the analysis of the norms of private international law in Europe and the principles that regulate the sphere of noncontractual obligations, the characteristics of the main methods of conflict resolution in the international legislation of European countries, and the establishment of the significance of the process of unification of the norms of private international law at the level of EU legislation . It has been established that non-contractual obligations are distinguished from contractual obligations by the fact that it is impossible to predict all the reasons for their occurrence, because they arise without an agreement or contract between the parties entering into them. The fact that noncontractual obligations are considered to be the oldest type of legal relationship enshrined in law is emphasized, because one of the reasons for their occurrence is torts. In modern legal regulations, two types of non-contractual obligations are distinguished: delict obligations and quasi-delicts. The list of grounds for the occurrence of noncontractual obligations, which are regulated in the legislation of foreign countries and Ukraine, is given. The authors’ attention is focused on the problem of conflicts of norms of international law regarding the regulation of non-contractual obligations, which arises as a result of the fact that the institution of non-contractual obligations has developed over the centuries in each country individually in accordance with its legal customs and social norms. A characterization of the main bindings or attachment formulas was carried out, which help, on the basis of certain legal grounds, to determine the extent of the right of one or another state to regulate social relations in the presence of certain conflicts. It is emphasized that the lack of a single procedure for resolving conflicts regarding non-negotiable obligations in international law caused the process of unification of international norms in this area, but in Europe this process started relatively recently, and suffered several failures. It was concluded that today there is no clear unified system of legal norms regulating non-contractual obligations, unlike contractual ones. Such important documents as: DCFR, EU Regulation No. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II Regulation) and Principles of European Tort Law formed by the European Tort Law Group were considered.
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