Searching for general trends that could help to design new bulk (3D) ferromagnets, we have carried out a first-principles bottom-up theoretical study of four bulk ferromagnets of the nitronyl nitroxide (NN) family of crystals: β-p-(nitro)phenyl-NN (KAXHAS), α-o-(hydroxy) phenyl-NN (YOMYII), α-2,5-(dihydroxy)phenyl-NN (LICMIT) and p-(methylthio) phenyl-NN (YUJNEW). This first-principles bottom-up theoretical study connects, in a rigorous form, the microscopic magnetic pair interactions (J AB) with the macroscopic magnetic properties (e.g. magnetic susceptibility or heat capacity curves). The microscopic magnetic pair interactions are computed from the crystal structure using DFT methods. The network of non-negligible J AB magnetic pair interactions between AB radicals provides the magnetic topology of the crystal. Using the room-temperature crystal structure (the only experimentally available) for KAXHAS, YOMYII and LICMIT, we found a 3D magnetic topology. However, although the computed magnetic susceptibility χ( T ) curves reproduce, in all three cases, the ferromagnetic experimental χ( T ) data, not all the J AB pair interactions are ferromagnetic. For YUJNEW, there are three sets of crystallographic coordinates (room temperature, 114 and 10K) and its magnetic topology depends on the temperature: at room temperature, there is a 2D magnetic topology but, using the 114 and 10K crystal structures, the magnetic topology becomes 3D. The computed magnetic susceptibility curve only reproduces the experimental data when using the magnetic topology computed at 10K (at 114K, there is only a qualitative agreement). The dependence of the J AB magnetic pair interactions on the geometry of the A–B radical–radical pair is also analysed. Our results show that small changes in the geometry induce changes in the sign of the interaction, a fact that can be only explained by considering that the nature of the interaction is a cooperative effect that depends on all atoms of the radical.
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