The objective:men and women have a study of features of hormonal status and state of microbiocenosis of urogenital tract from sterile married couple, plugged in the program of assisted reproductive technologies. Materials and methods. These inspections are in-process presented 250 men and women in age from 24 to 46 years (35,1±4,3), which are in sterile marriage. Duration of infertility in marriage varied from 2 to 16 years (6,5±2,1). In the etiopathogenetic structure of infertility a female factor appeared in 30% cases, masculine - in 10% cases, while combinations of the combined violations of reproductive function were diagnosed in most married couple (60%). In the complex of methods researches were included clinical, laboratory, instrumental, microbiological and statistical methods. Results. The analysis of hormonal function of ovaries rotined that certain differences are in the functional state of the reproductive system of patients and practically healthy women which are expressed in the reliable (p<0,05) decline of concentration of estradiol at 1,5 time in a periovulatory period (475,0±7,6 pmol/l and 710,2±10,5 pmol/l) and in diminishing of products of progesterone in the luteal phase of cycle (11,9±0,8 nmol/l and 35,1±1,2 nmol/l). At the estimation of results of bacteriologic examination from a cervical canal for the women of group of assisted reproductive technologies conditionally pathogenic microorganisms (Escherichia of coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Candida of albicans et cetera) found out in 87,3% cases. At the analysis of oscillation frequency sexually transmitted infections, it is marked, that them found out in 3,5% women, plugged in the program of assisted reproductive technologies.Conclusion. The results of the conducted endocrinology and microbiological researches in married couple testify to deeper than it is accepted to count, violation of reproductive function of and men, and women, plugged in the program. Thus, the representatives of married couple have violation of the neuroendocrine regulation the basic pathogenetic links of violation of reproductive function and microbiocenosis of the urinary system. The got results must be taken into account at development of algorithm of increase of efficiency of assisted reproductive technologies. Keywords:assisted reproductive technologies, married couple, endocrinology and microbiological violations.
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