
Pyometra is the most common disease found in adult intact female dogs, caused by acute or chronic suppurative bacterial infection of the uterus and is characterized by accumulation of inflammatory exudates in the uterine lumen with diverse clinic-pathological manifestation either locally or systemically. Disease is frequently noticed in adult female dog in luteal phase of estrous cycle during which progesterone level is high (progesterone sensitized uterus) and thus playing key role in pathogenesis. The preliminary diagnosis of pyometra is determined by case history, physical examination findings and laboratory test results in combination with radiography or/and ultrasonography showing a fluid-filled enlarged uterus. A late diagnosis of pyometra, when kidney failure has already occurred, may result in irreversible damage to the kidneys. Effects of sepsis and endotoxaemia can further cause multi-organ dysfunctions, but despite being a potentially life-threatening illness. In this communication, ultrasonography as an accurate procedure for the qualitative and quantitative examination and diagnosis of canine pyometra has been described.

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