The elements of the mechanism of personnel development management in the system of personnel potential formation at modern enterprises are structured and grouped. It is determined that an important role in the human resource formation at the business entity is played by the personnel development strategy, which should combine such components as: establishing strategic guidelines for personnel characteristics, choosing directions for personnel development (training, advanced training, mentoring, coaching); forming the individual career trajectories of employees; developing the internal personnel training tools and choosing of external training tools; drawing up a budget for personnel development costs; fixing the measures for retaining talents, motivating them to be loyal to the enterprise goals. It is specified that the mechanism for managing the enterprise's personnel development should combine such elements as: goal, objectives, subjects, objects, tasks, functions, principles, and methods of professional development of employees. It has been established that the employee development mechanism functioning is influenced by the state of resource provision and the level of professionalism of the HR-management of the business entity. Analysis of personnel indicators of Ukrainian enterprises allowed us to conclude about high staff turnover, inability to form a high-quality employer brand, inability to maintain staff loyalty. It is proposed to borrow the foreign experience in forming human resources potential through mechanisms of recruitment, staff development and creation of such working conditions for them that will maintain a stable desire of the employee to remain part of the team and work to achieve the company's goals, conscientiously fulfilling their job duties. Approaches used in foreign practice of personnel development management are identified and the possibilities of their introduction into the activities of Ukrainian enterprises are established. It is substantiated that personnel development management should be one of the areas of strategic management of a modern enterprise.
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