Pipelines are important structural elements that are frequently used today to meet many infrastructures needs such as drainage, natural gas or water transmission. In this context, the usability of such structures, which are important elements of infrastructure systems, especially after disasters such as earthquakes, is of great importance. For this reason, within the scope of this study, a parametric investigation of the seismic behaviors of a natural gas pipeline system under mainshock-aftershock sequences have been carried out, specifically taking into account the soil-natural gas pipeline interaction (SNGPI) in the help of finite element model (FEM) proposed. Before developing the model of SNGPI system proposed using solid element, the fundamental mode frequencies of the pipeline system modeled using the solid element for the verification have been compared with those of obtained from the pipeline system modeled using the beam element and the analytical solutions. After verification of proposed model is demonstrated, SNGPI system has been modeled and its fundamental modes have been compared with mode frequencies of soil stratum obtained from well-known simple analytic solutions. After this stage, the dynamic analyses of natural gas pipeline (NGP) system in the time domain have been carried out using four different soil systems and four different mainshock-aftershock sequences. The results of the nonlinear time-history analyses have been investigated in terms of the stress and the displacement responses. Parametric evaluations show that the greatest displacements and the stresses occurring at the considered nodes of NGP system may be importantly affected from mainshock-aftershock sequences and soil stiffness changes. As the soil stiffness decreases, both the peak stresses and displacements increased significantly. On the other hand, the same responses obtained under mainshock loadings, which have relatively lower peak ground acceleration (PGA)/peak ground velocity (PGV) ratio compared to aftershock loadings, are generally larger than those obtained under aftershock loadings.
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