The pathophysiology of myocardial ischemia traditionally has been attributed to disturbances of oxygen demand, as observed in classic effort-induced angina pectoris, or to a primary disruption of coronary blood supply, as in unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction. Laboratory research eliciting various types of perfusion-contraction matching has challenged such a historical distinction between supply and demand-induced determinants of myocardial ischemia. A growing number of clinical studies analyzing the role of heart rate in the course of coronary heart disease suggest the possibility that a common perfusion-contraction scheme may underlie these diverse clinical manifestations. During experimental myocardial ischemia, produced by a low coronary blood flow, regional perfusion-contraction matching exists in which the energy demands and regional contraction are reduced to match the diminished myocardial substrate supply. Heart rate is a major factor influencing transmural blood flow distribution and regional function, because when coronary vasodilation is maximal there is an inverse relation between the level of heart rate and subendocardial perfusion. Thus, in experimental regional ischemia, increasing heart rate reduces subendocardial flow and contraction, whereas slowing of heart rate causes improvement of contraction associated with increased subendocardial blood flow, accompanied by a decrease in outer wall blood flow. Also, “interventricular steal” of blood from the left ventricle by the right ventricle during ischemia can be reversed by slowing the heart rate in the presence of regional ischemia. Improvement of contraction by heart rate slowing is more than would be expected on the basis of the increase in subendocardial perfusion alone, reflecting a combination of decreased oxygen demand and increased oxygen supply, and separate curves relating blood flow per minute to contractile function are observed at different heart rates. However, when perfusion is normalized for heart rate by expressing subendocardial blood flow in units per beat, a single relation is observed at different heart rates. This observation supports the concept of a close coupling between subendocardial blood flow per beat and regional performance, or perfusion-contraction matching, during various levels of ischemia. Based on these principles, it can be predicted that exercise-induced regional ischemia in the presence of coronary stenosis will be attenuated by several mechanisms when heart rate is slowed using either a β-blocking agent, or a specific bradycardic drug. In this setting, an exercise-induced decrease in subendocardial flow is offset after such therapy by a substantial increase in subendocardial perfusion (augmentation of subendocardial blood per beat) associated with decreased subepicardial blood flow and improved regional contraction in the ischemic zone. In various clinical settings, it seems likely that increases in heart rate in patients with coronary disease are associated not only with increases of myocardial oxygen demand, but also with decreases in subendocardial blood flow, as evidenced by the close correlation between diastolic perfusion time and anginal threshold during exercise. β-Blockade and calcium antagonists that slow heart rate reduce the number of episodes of transient ischemia in patients with stable angina pectoris, in whom silent ischemic episodes observed with ambulatory ECG monitoring are often associated with an increase in heart rate. In normal human subjects, tachycardia produces a progressive increase of coronary blood flow and flow-mediated dilation of the epicardial coronary arteries. However, in patients with an atherosclerotic lesion, reduction in coronary blood flow occurs together with a progressive loss of luminal area during exercise which is prevented by β-blockade, supporting the perfusion-contraction matching concept. In the setting of acute myocardial infarction, heart rate is an independent predictor of mortality, and the level of heart rate elevation at hospital admission or during the hospital stay is significantly correlated with early as well as 1-year mortality. A beneficial effect on mortality incidence from acute myocardial infarction of β-blockers has been reported in a number of larger trials, and this benefit is significantly related to the reduction in the heart rate produced by these agents. These laboratory and clinical findings emphasize the key role of heart rate in perfusion-contraction matching and in a number of the clinical manifestations of coronary heart disease.
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