Transition elements of IV and V groups have tendency to form the low-valent ions in chioride melts which determines the instability of redox equilibria in these media used for inogranic synthesis and rare metals electrodeposition. We have estabiished that injection of a stronger ligand, e.g. fluoride-ion, into chloride melts containing Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta in a divalent state is stimulating the dismutation reaction: mMe n+→-nMe m+ + Me (where m>n) at the expense of formation of stable fluoride complexes. The stoichiometry of substitution reaction when chlorine is being substituted by fluorine in ion shells of transition metal central atoms, have been determined by linear-sweep voltametry and amperometric titration methods: 3Me Cl 2 + 12F − = 2Me F 3− 6 + Me + 6Cl − (for Ti). 2Me Cl 2 + 6F − = Me F 2− 6 + Me + 4Cl − (for Zr, Hf, Nb). 5Me Cl 2 + 14F − = 2Me F 2− 7 + 3Me + 10Cl − (for Ta) Formation of the high oxidation state fluoride complexes in the chloride-fluoride melt is typicai for zirconium, hafnium and tantalum as the low- and medium-valtent complexes in these cases are not thermodynamicalIy stabie. The situation is inverse to titanium and niobium. The equilibrium of dismutation reactions is shifted to the right.