IF BX IS a CW-space such that its loop space RBX is homotopy equivalent to a finite CW-complex, then for all sufficiently large prime numbers p, H*(BX,F,) is a graded polynomial algebra over F,, with generators in dimensions (2ni). Considerable effort has been devoted to the determination of the possibilities for the(2ni). Complete results are available only in the low rank cases, e.g. Hubbuck [ 121, while Clarkâs criteria [7] remain the most useful general results. If only one prime is considered, the problem is more difficult, and even the classification of the rank two case is still incomplete, see however [9,29,22,33] for partial results. This work began as a general attack on these problems. It seemed that the best chance to obtain a complete classification was to apply some constructive methods, rather than the argument by contradiction or special cases typical of most earlier work. This optimism was supported by the special nature of all known examples, and by the way in which the Steenrod algebra action was exploited in the proof of the Adams-Mahmud theorem[l]. The classification of possible H*(BX, F,) ideally would be carried out in two steps. In all known examples (the classifying spaces of compact connected Lie groups and the exotic classifying spaces of [26, 18,8,28]), there is a common theme. The F,-cohomology of (CPâ)â appears as a finite integral extension of H*(BX, F,), and the extension is as algebras over the Steenrod algebra. This suggests, by analogy with K-theory, that there should be a âsplitting principleâ for such H*(BX, F,). That is, one should be able to embed a polynomial algebra over F, with an unstable Steenrod algebra action in the polynomial algebra F,[t,, . . ., t.] on two-dimensional generators, at least for large p. The second phase of the program would be to classify these embeddings. In particular, if the extensions are Galois, it is known that the Galois group must be a finite generalized reflection group of the type studied by Ewing and Clark[8], and these possibilities are thus known. The second aspect of this program is completely achieved in this paper. Also, some interesting conditions which imply the âsplitting principleâ are discussed. However, the question remains open, and hence the classification of possible H*(BX, F,) is still incomplete. The majority of this work is devoted to the proof of step two of the program and to some of its applications. In the following .&, denotes the mod p Steenrod algebra. We prove a slightly more general result than is needed:
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