s / Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31 (2011) 230-356 301 Comparing glycaemic and insulinaemic responses of ponies and horses to dietary glucose K.D. Tinworth , S.L. Raidal , P.A. Harris , M.N. Sillence , and G.K. Noble 1 1 Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650, Australia, WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition, Waltham-on-the-Wolds, Leicestershire, UK, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia Introduction: It is known that horses are typically more insulin sensitive than ponies [1], and correlations have been shown between morphometry and insulin sensitivity [2]. The aim of this study was to quantify the glucose and insulin responses to the same meal in horses with moderate body condition scores (BCS) as well as obese ponies, thereby using both disparate breeds and morphometry. Materials and Methods: Eight mature pony mares (Shetlandand Welsh-cross, non-Cushingoid, no known history of laminitis) with a (mean SD) BW 201.4 48.8 kg, 10 3.3 yrs and BCS range 7 to 9 [3], presumed to be insulin-resistant (I-R) based on morphometry, with cresty neck scores (CNS) 3/5 [4], were compared with 12 mature light-breed mares, presumed nonI-R, with a BW 473 61.6 kg, 4.7 1.9 yrs, BCS range 3 to 5/9 and CNS 1/5. They were kept in groups in grass paddocks (non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) 10.5% dry matter (DM)) for 21 days prior to the study. They were stabled and given hay the night before the Oral Meal Tolerance Test (OMTT) when they were fed either hay + rice bran (Cool Conditioner, CopRice, Leeton, NSW Australia; H Meal: 1% BW oaten hay + 200 g rice bran, Pony NSC 621 127 g DM, Horse NSC 1214 151 g DM) or hay + rice bran + glucose (H+G Meal: 1% BW oaten hay + 0.75 g/kg BW glucose, Pony NSC 2319 478 g DM, Horse NSC 4549 569 g DM). Four ponies and six horses were fed the H Meal, and the other four ponies and six horses received the H+G Meal around 0900 h. All animals had consumed their rice bran glucose within 2 min and their hay within 60 min. The glucose (G) and insulin (I) responses to the meals were measured in blood samples taken every 15 min from the time of feeding (t1⁄40) for 180 min. G and I responses were analysed with repeated measures analysis over time, with 2 treatments, meal type and presumed I-R-status. An autoregressive first order model was used for correlation through time for individual animals. G and I values were Log10transformed to normalize the data. Significance was taken as being P < .05. Results and Discussion: The G and I responses to the two meals are shown in Figure 1. All comparisons showed highly significant effects of time and meal type, with interactions between time, meal type and presumed I-R-status (P < .001). H Meal Peak G concentrations [G] were similar (6.28 0.52 vs 5.48 0.36 mmol/L for horses vs ponies respectively) but the peak I concentrations [I] were higher (P < .001) in the ponies (36.67 20.4 vs 8.61 3.91 mU/mL). Horses maintained higher circulating [G], in keeping with their lower insulin response. In contrast, the ponies secreted proportionally more insulin than the horses and maintained their [G] at a lower level. H+G Meal Peak [G] for the horses was 9.05 .98 mmol/L. It is unclear whether the ponies had reached a peak [G] by 180 min but the maximum [G] recorded was 7.65 1.34 mmol. Peak [I] for the horses was higher (P < .001) than following the H Meal (25.4 8.16 mU/mL). However, the peak [I] for the ponies was markedly higher than for the horses (H or H+G) or ponies with the H meal, at 403 362.79 mU/mL by 120 min, and was still significantly elevated at 180 min. In response to the H+G Meal, the horses again attained higher circulating [G] than the ponies, but with significantly lower [I] effectively disposed of the glucose to return it to near-basal concentrations by 180min. In contrast, overall, the ponies, despite their enhanced insulinaemia, did not control the hyperglycaemia seen within the time period monitored. Conclusion: This study illustrated the magnitude of difference in G and I responses of horses and ponies to the same meals. We showed clearly how poorly ponies control their meal-derived glycaemia when challenged with free glucose. The prediction of insulin sensitivity using morphometry and breed was borne out by the G and I responses to a meal. It also showed how free glucose ingestion can cause a sustained hyperinsulinaemia in ponies. These results provide a possible insight into why obese ponies appear to be more at risk of laminitis [5] when exposed to grass high in simple sugars, than horses.
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