A duststorm image has a reddish or yellowish color cast. Though a duststorm image and a hazy image are obtained using the same process, a hazy image has no color distortion as it has not been disturbed by particles, but a duststorm image has color distortion owing to an imbalance in the color channel, which is disturbed by sand particles. As a result, a duststorm image has a degraded color channel, which is rare in certain channels. Therefore, a color balance step is needed to enhance a duststorm image naturally. This study goes through two steps to improve a duststorm image. The first is a color balance step using singular value decomposition (SVD). The singular value shows the image’s diversity features such as contrast. A duststorm image has a distorted color channel and it has a different singular value on each color channel. In a low-contrast image, the singular value is low and vice versa. Therefore, if using the channel’s singular value, the color channels can be balanced. Because the color balanced image has a similar feature to the haze image, a dehazing step is needed to improve the balanced image. In general, the dark channel prior (DCP) is frequently applied in the dehazing step. However, the existing DCP method has a halo effect similar to an over-enhanced image due to a dark channel and a patch image. According to this point, this study proposes to adjustable DCP (ADCP). In the experiment results, the proposed method was superior to state-of-the-art methods both subjectively and objectively.
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