Dry mass loss (DML) of Sound canola and Mouldy canola (sound + mouldy canola) was measured at 25, 30, and 35oC over 14 weeks by weighing 10 kg samples every 2 week. The moisture content of the canola was 10, 12.5, and 15.0% (wet basis). The relationship was quantified among the DML measured gravimetrically, germination decrease rate (GDR), and decrease in the percentage of test weight (PTW). The measured DML was also compared with the DML estimated from respired CO2. The measured DML increased as germination and test weight decreased, and the Spearmen Rank Order correlation between DML and germination or between DML and PTW was greater than 0.58 in 18 of 24 cases. The GDR of mouldy canola was significantly higher than that of Sound canola except at 15% moisture content and 35oC. A decrease of germination and/or PTW could be used to estimate roughly the DML trend but did not predict the DML value with high accuracy. There was no significant difference between the measured- and estimated-DML. Measuring the mass loss or CO2 production roughly estimated DML but using DML to evaluate grain quality was unreliable.