Recently, the demand for small, low-cost electronics has increased the use of cost-effective tiny inductors in power-management ICs (PMICs). However, the conduction loss caused by the parasitic DC resistance (RDCR) of a small inductor leads to low efficiency, which reduces the battery usage time and may also cause thermal problems in mobile devices. In particular, these issues become critical when a conventional boost converter (CBC) is used to achieve high-output voltage due to the large inductor current. In addition, as the output voltage increases, a number of issues become more serious, such as large output voltage ripple, conversion-ratio limit, and overlap loss. To solve these issues, this paper proposed a high-voltage boost converter with dual-current flows (HVDF). The proposed HVDF can achieve a higher efficiency than a CBC by reducing the total conduction loss in heavy load current conditions with a small inductor. Moreover, because in the HVDF, the current delivered to the output becomes continuous, unlike in the CBC with its discontinuous output delivery current, the output voltage ripple can be significantly reduced. Also, the conversion gain of the HVDF is less sensitive to RDCR than that of the CBC. To further increase the conversion gain, a time-interleaved charge pump can be connected in series with the HVDF (HVDFCP) to achieve higher output voltage beyond the limit of the conversion gain in the HVDF while maintaining the advantages of a low inductor current and small output voltage ripple. Simulations using PSIM were performed along with a detailed numerical analysis of the conduction losses in the proposed structures. The simulation results were discussed and compared with those of the conventional structures.
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