Defect-aware, cell-aware, and gate-exhaustive faults are described by input patterns of subcircuits or cells that are expected to activate defects. Even with single-cycle faults, an\( n \)-input subcircuit can have up to\( 2^n \)faults with unique fault detection conditions, resulting in a large test set. Such a test set may have to be truncated to fit in the tester memory or satisfy constraints on test application time. In this case, a loss of fault coverage is inevitable. This article considers the test set denoted by\( T_1 \)obtained after truncating a larger test set denoted by\( T_0 \). Suppose that the truncation reduces the set of detected faults from the set denoted by\( D_0 \)to the set denoted by\( D_1 \). The procedure described in this article modifies the tests in\( T_1 \)to gain the detection of faults from\( D_0 \)\( \setminus \)\( D_1 \), even at the cost of losing the detection of faults from\( D_1 \). The goal is to reduce the fault coverage loss by computing a test set denoted by\( T_2 \)that detects a set of faults denoted by\( D_2 \)such that\( |T_2| = |T_1| \)and\( |D_2| \gt |D_1| \). Experimental results for benchmark circuits demonstrate the ability of the procedure to increase the coverage of gate-exhaustive faults over several iterations.
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