In this paper, we announce a beautiful and important application of the results of the paper of two Romanian mathematicians: R. Miculescu, A. Mihail, New fixed point theorems for set-valued contractions in b-metric spaces, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., 19, 2153-2163 (2017). Namely, the method they gave in the mentioned paper for b-metric spaces can be applied without difficulty to b-metric-like spaces as well. Thus, the results on b-metric spaces established in the papers: Hassen Aydi, Monica-Felicia Bota, Erdal Karapinar and Slobodanka Mitrović, A fixed point theorem for set-valued quasi-contraction in b-metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2012, 2012:88, and Nicola Fabiano, Zoran Kadelburg, Stojan Radenović, and Milica Savatović, Remarks on ”On new orthogonal contractions in b-metric spaces” and ”On orthogonal partial b-metric spaces with an application”, can be extended to b-metric-like spaces as well. Also, using the significant paper at the beginning of the mentioned Romanian professors, a positive answer can be directly given to the question given at the end of the recent paper: M. Gardašević-Filipović, K. Kukić, D. Gardašević, Z. D. Mitrović, Some best proximity point results in the orthogonal 0-complete b-metric-like spaces, J. Contemp. Math. Anal. Armen. Acad. Sci., 58 (2), 105–115 (2023). In the same way, the interval [0,1s ) belonging to the coefficient of some type of contraction within the b-metric-like space can be extended to the entire interval [0,1).