
In optics experiments are conducted on the wave nature of light. Interferometers are used for measurements and two waves are superimposed to generate interference fringes. In such an experiment Michelson and Morley used Michelson interferometer to measure the velocity of earth in a stationary ether. The null results of this experiment could not be explained, various other experiments were conducted such as kennedy-Thorndik experiment, Dayton- Miller experiment, Raleigh and Brace experiment, Michelson- Gale- Pearson experiment, but all experiments gave null results. While interpreting the result of these experiments a very important role of wavefront of light has been ignored. Present work describes the role of wavefront of light in these experiments conducted on the wave nature of light and describes that actually no length contraction and time dilation like phenomenons exist as stipulated by special theory of relativity.

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