In the study, we comment on the article by Qu et al . Internal hemorrhoids are the most common anorectal disorders worldwide with bleeding, prolapse, and difficulty in defecation. Endoscopic rubber band ligation (ERBL) is a safe, convenient, quick, and economical outpatient procedure. The main goal of ERBL is to alleviate prolapse, but the high incidence of recurrence and post-procedural pain are of clinical concern. Polidocanol foam as a local hemostatic and anesthetic agent could reduce the rates of post-procedural pain and bleeding. Endoscopic polidocanol foam sclerobanding (EFSB) is a novel approach that could lift the mucosa for easy ligation and promote increased scarring in the submucosal tissue which translates into long-term relief from prolapse recurrence and reduced 24-h post-procedural pain. The study by Qu et al is a novel multi-center prospective randomized study to compare ERBL and EFSB in patients with grades II and III internal hemorrhoids with one-year follow-up. Results showed that EFSB is a novel therapy for internal hemorrhoids, but future studies with a larger sample, multiple treatment sessions, and long-term follow-up are required to confirm these findings.
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