A virtual organization is the newest form of business organizations, one of the forms of which are distributed companies with their own production facilities and transport and logistics resources, or using the services of production and logistics centers located on different continents and in different countries, forming project/matrix management structures, attracting specialists from different countries. The article discusses the advantages and risks of managing distributed organizations based on digital technologies. The authors characterize the fields of activity of distributed companies and assess the potential for their expansion. The trend towards digitalization of management processes determines the logic of transformation of the organizational structure model from a traditional hierarchical to an open, flexible one. It is shown that transportation and logistics functions are critically important in ensuring the activities of distributed organizations, within the framework of which the transfer of raw materials, materials in progress, finished products, goods between production centers, sales centers, intermediaries of various kinds, customers and end consumers is realized.The following research methods were used: scientific review, monitoring, situational, retrospective and prospective analysis, as well as critical assessment and formulation of author’s judgments and conclusions on the scientific basis of leading scientists and specialists in the field of economics, management, logistics, operational work management.