This study proposes a novel method based on mathematical morphology (MM) for islanding detection in micro-grid integrated with distributed generation (DG). The method uses basic MM operators like dilate erode difference filter (DEDF) to operate on three-phase voltage and current signals on target DG location. These filter output values are fed to a new operator defined as the average of the difference between maximum and minimum value of DEDF at each structuring element called KV and KI. Accordingly, a new operator called the MM ratio index (MM RI) of KI to KV is derived. The MM RI computed is used to track the islanding condition from non-islanding condition. Additionally, to further aid the islanding detection, a mathematical morphological operator close open difference filter on negative sequence voltage is computed, which is passed through a difference operator D. The proposed method is analysed extensively to efficiently detect islanding in electrical power distribution network integrated with DG.
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