Abstract A consistent hybrid ensemble filter (CHEF) for using hybrid forecast error covariance matrices that linearly combine aspects of both climatological and flow-dependent matrices within a nonvariational ensemble data assimilation scheme is described. The CHEF accommodates the ensemble data assimilation enhancements of (i) model space ensemble covariance localization for satellite data assimilation and (ii) Hodyss’s method for improving accuracy using ensemble skewness. Like the local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF), the CHEF is computationally scalable because it updates local patches of the atmosphere independently of others. Like the sequential ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), it serially assimilates batches of observations and uses perturbed observations to create ensembles of analyses. It differs from the deterministic (no perturbed observations) ensemble square root filter (ESRF) and the EnKF in that (i) its analysis correction is unaffected by the order in which observations are assimilated even when localization is required, (ii) it uses accurate high-rank solutions for the posterior error covariance matrix to serially assimilate observations, and (iii) it accommodates high-rank hybrid error covariance models. Experiments were performed to assess the effect on CHEF and ESRF analysis accuracy of these differences. In the case where both the CHEF and the ESRF used tuned localized ensemble covariances for the forecast error covariance model, the CHEF’s advantage over the ESRF increased with observational density. In the case where the CHEF used a hybrid error covariance model but the ESRF did not, the CHEF had a substantial advantage for all observational densities.
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