Multiple diastemas commonly cause esthetical complaints, especially in high demanding patients that frequently have sound teeth. Objective: The aim of the present clinical report is to describe the treatment of multiple diastemas with surgical crown lengthening and minimally invasive lithium disilicate veneers. Case report: During clinical evaluation, it was observed multiple well distributed diastemas in anterior superior teeth and a reduced length of the central incisors. Initially, crown lengthening surgery was performed to restore adequate width-to-length ratio to central incisors. After healing, impressions were taken, and study cast models revealed the need for slight reduction of proximal surfaces to remove retentive areas and provide good adaptation for laminate veneers. After a conservative preparation, impressions were taken with addition silicone and cast models were sent to a laboratory. Lithium disilicate laminate veneers were fabricated by the heat press technique. Cementation protocol was performed with light-activated resin-cement, which was carefully chosen in terms of color and fluorescence. Conclusion: Multiple diastemas can be successfully treated with minimal restorative interventions involving little or no preparation; however, a careful evaluation must be conducted in order to remove retentive areas. Furthermore, teeth width-length ratio must also be considered when planning such esthetic restorations.
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