Environmental problems are currently the center of world attention, especially environmental degradation in Indonesia. Education is one of the efforts to improve environmental literacy by implementing the Adiwiyata School program. This research aims to 1) analyze the conditions of the implementation of the Adiwiyata School program at Public Senior High School 3 Surakarta; 2) analyze the environmental literacy ability of students in Public Senior High School 3 Surakarta; and 3) know the effect of the implementation of adiwiyata school program on the literacy ability of students in Public Senior High School 3 Surakarta. This type of research is quantitative and has a correlation research design. The sample in this study amounted to 45 teachers and 100 students at Public Senior High School 3 Surakarta. Data collection techniques and instruments used include test sheets, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics and independent t-tests. The results showed that 1) the implementation conditions of the Adiwiyata School program at Public Senior High School 3 Surakarta obtained excellent results with the percentage of each indicator consisting of an environmentally sound policy of 63%, the implementation of an environmentally-based curriculum 58%, and environmentally friendly support facilities management 75%, while participatory-based environmental activities obtained good results with a percentage of 49%; 2) the ability of environmental literacy of students in Public Senior High School 3 Surakarta obtained knowledge results 74%, attitude 71%, and behaviour 74% so classified in good criteria, while cognitive ability 42% so classified in moderate criteria; and 3) obtained the value of the significance of sig p-value (2-tailed) 0.000 ≤ 0.05 H0 were rejected and H1 was accepted, so there was an influence between the Adiwiyata School program implementation on the students literacy capabilities in Public Senior High School 3 Surakarta.