
Statistical literacy skills in the era of society 5.0 are needed to overcome various problems. But interest in studying statistics is still relatively low. Thus, the learning process must be able to synergize between learning materials (content), learning methods (pedagogy), and learning media (technologi). The moodle-learning management system is one of these advances in education. If the moodle-learning management System is appropriately constructed to facilitate the usage of many platforms, users can utilize it as a learning environment with any device. This study aims to observe statistical literacy skills through the moodle-learning management system. Participants were selected from among sophomore students at the Indonesian Institute of Education: 32 people made up the control group, while 32 made up the experimental group. The results demonstrate that, at a significance level of 0.05, the experimental group’s statistical literacy abilities are substantially different from those of the control group. Students in the experimental group had literacy abilities that were 90.31% greater than those in the control group, which had literacy abilities that were 67.47%. These findings suggest that students’ statistical literacy skills are impacted by the Moodle learning management system.

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