• Finding plate-like and hyperbranched seaweed in 3D conditions of metallic alloy. • Constructing a non-regular dendritic pattern selection map. • Well understanding effect of interface energy anisotropy on the dendritic pattern. Dendritic morphology and pattern selection are fundamentally important issues in solidification cycles. Here, a well-designed experiment was employed to investigate the solid–liquid interface energy anisotropy on the directionally solidified microstructures of Al-3 wt% Mg single crystals. Various dendritic morphologies, including regular dendrite, plate-like seaweed and hyperbranched seaweed, were found along the <100>, <110> and <111> orientations, respectively. The primary dendritic arm spacing (PDAS) of the seaweed pattern is closely related to the interface energy anisotropy and deviates from the current PDAS model. A non-regular dendritic pattern selection map is constructed to interpret the different dendrites occurring in alloy solidification.
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